
Posted: 06/06/2016 in Uncategorized

After an almost 4 year span of time not formally sitting in meditation, today I decided to sit. Yes, I have laid in bed with insomnia and focused on my breath, usually successful in falling asleep. However, sitting my ass on a cushion? Nah, it’s been a while.

Recently, it has been on my mind to get back into daily practice after a whirlwind life for the last 4 years. I’ve noticed anger has once again reared its ugly head, with my mind shitting out thoughts and feelings of irritation and impatience with those around me.

So I feel the time is now to work on myself again by sitting, reading something other than comic books, and hopefully writing in this blog. Ironically, I logged back into it today after letting my domain/hosting lapse and bringing it back to the wordpress host, I was met with a notification of my 6 year anniversary of starting it. On the 6th. Of June. Ha!


In the event someone happens to read this, I hope to put my feelings and thoughts into text more often than once every 3 years.



EDIT: I just posted this and got a notification that this was my 50th post on Metal Buddha. Kinda cool…

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